Language, communication

The communication between people is done mainly in English, by gestures or by means of rukoploklozheniya (they did not seem to realize it), that is to say, blows, blows, etc. In general, English Indians are difficult to understand: they seem to swallow syllables, it turns out to be a mush. Many who apparently do not study well at school or have not studied at all do not know English at all or very little. But this is their second official language. Sometimes, when I look at their communication in Indian, it seems to me that they understand each other very badly, they can discuss the same thought for a very long time. All of this is supported by gestures, nods, etc. I think this is also related to different dialects, which have incredible value in Hindi and are very different from each other. Probably because the sevadalki like to communicate with each other and with the "hands" of other people: they grab and drag where they want, point fingers or shake hands, or shake their heads silently. But why "it's impossible" is almost always a mystery ... If I do not understand how much money I should give, I ask the saleswoman: "Thirty?" The Indian closes in her hands the 30 rupees I received, says a lot of words, apparently wanting to make more money, but when I give her more money, she shakes her head to say that the first 30 rupees were sufficient. For me, if she had said yes to my question, that would be enough ... The word "sai ram" is used here always, everywhere and whatever the circumstances: it's a greeting, goodbye, thank you, please, forgive, pass, stand, go-oh- there, hey, be careful. It's like in practice. But theoretically, behind this greeting is a prayer: "May the radiant presence of the Divine Guru Sai Rama be the basis of our relationship with all who live in all times and in all worlds." And in the full version of the prayer sounds: "Om Sri Sai Ram." The word "super" is still used: super hospital, super market, just super! It is customary to greet strangers in the street when there is a desire and a willingness to do so. As the Indians have a very developed sensitivity, they often feel in the state of the person and if they deem it necessary, greet him with a "sai ram". It changes the energy of that person. For example, with me, when I listened to a woman who did not love me and could not leave her, the Indian woman greeted her, then one of her friends distracted this woman from me, so that the woman conversation, which was undesirable for me, stopped. If I was overwhelmed by dark thoughts and I walked along the road, plunged in myself, in this case, very often, someone was throwing me "sai ram" and I went out like a pool. After that, it became a lot easier. If you are angry and bored, no one will respond to your "landlord" because it is likely that you will impose this negative state on another person. Even the Indians are very moved shaking their heads as a sign of approval, consent, invitation. Such a small amplitude, like the no sign, makes it possible to distinguish them from each other. In addition, this swing is different from Russian "beef sighs", when a woman also shakes her head, but more permanently and with a different emotional color. Even when Indian women want to apologize for inadvertently touching, they still touch you, but also with other emotional overtones, with respect and respect. Also in my opinion, funny. Although not all are so polite, and some may be impudent! What is it worth to sit on a darshan among the Indians! They sit very close to each other, even if there are few people and there is a lot of free space. They can literally pinch you and even press you on certain parts of your body. And we are all meticulous, we do not like physical contact, hence grievances and altercations, and some simply leave their place. During darshan, I always listened to myself: if I was uncomfortable, uncomfortable, perhaps sad, or if I wanted to be alone, I would sit far away from the mandir at the bottom of Darshan Hall, where there were few people; and if I had good health, I went to the front row, where there are always many people, and I studied to accept situations of lack of free space, contact, etc. Dasha called my method sadomasochism: it seemed strange to sit especially among Indian women to have negative emotions. For me, it was another way to get to know myself, my feelings and emotions, and to adapt to the situation, to find a way to interact with the world that was favorable to me. What is interesting is that when you are relaxed, open and determined, you will sit on your head (you can even say that you are inviting), And again, they say that among the Indians, it is believed that touching a white person is a chance. So sometimes you just become a temporary fetish, which you have to touch beyond the course! I think that in our country, you can very quickly become lucky and happy: it is good that there are many whites, touch and touch! I do not speak of men, because men are always separated, darshans, in the canteen, in the Nords, as well as in the cities, trying to get around, to give in, fearing scandals and the police. I must say they have the police highly esteemed and they always look very friendly. Once, when Dasha nonchalantly commented on the external attractiveness of the Indians, I immediately recalled the police with its perfectly proportioned figure, as if it had been specially selected to render a responsible service. I would call India a police state, because there are a lot of police officers and their posts, and the police are afraid of the people. And inside me, I felt a sense of disposition and confidence in the police: if anything was needed, it would always help, even if luckily (!) I did not have a chance to see that In practice. When we arrived, there were a lot of people, but finally, not much. A week later, many people came to the festival, it was just a crowd. By registration number, 650 foreigners arrived within the first seven days. This does not include Indians and Nepalese, for whom their own registration. They have probably still arrived more than 2-3 thousand. Although, judging by the full hall of Darshan during the holidays, which can accommodate 20,000 people, then probably more ... Here, people come from Germany, Australia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Japan, in my opinion, the Americans, there are negros, I do not know where, the French language is heard, but not often . There are constantly many delegations from different countries: Greece, Germany, Australia, Poland. Absolutely different age categories: many young people and old people. White women, and perhaps not only white women, are here called "Madame" and "Madame". It seems very strange to me ... Some merchants and beggars call "my", "mother". Throughout my stay here, I never learned to behave freely with beggars. Almost always felt a kind of embarrassment and tension. When several pairs of hands approached me and shouted "Ma!" In a compelling way, I personally simply remained in shock. Beggars do not sit down only, but walk too, but not alone, but with you! They look at you with the greatest sorrow and sorrow with their eyes and shoot "mother". These can be children, many children, adults, women with young children in their arms, cripples and people with disabilities ... Some beggars spend the night on the road, near closed stores. And some, as they say, are not even beggars, have either premises to rent or buses ... And they beg only as a hobby. In addition, Sai Baba forbade bribing beggars with money, offering to give them food, clothes ... They tell you themselves: "Baba does not say money", but I suspects them of being cunning. There are many examples of this: if you give food, an unhappy grin or even negligence is emerging on your face, if someone agrees to buy something for him in the stores, he chooses the more expensive and does not accept anything else. After looking at the beggars, I came to the conclusion that for half of them, begging was just one way of life, like any other. They feel very comfortable because they have learned to play with the feelings of people, especially whites, and they know how to behave to stay in the win. It can be absolutely healthy (in appearance), valid people, but it can be lazy. There are whole families of beggars: parents and several of them (three or four) of different ages. True charity, they ask separately at different locations. So, Katya and I once tripled a charity dinner for two beggars who were not behind on the way. One year, 12 years, second age of 7 years. At first, she hooked us a bit to buy her food. Kate took her hand: "Do not say more, go walk." And then the eldest appeared, since the youngest was taken in an unknown direction. Along the way, we had the idea to take them to the restaurant to feed them. Well, they bought them juice and rice for two. The Tibetans joked, "Are these your friends?" And the next day, the eldest daughter with her other sister was waiting for us after darshan at the ashram. Apparently decided that we took her to the allowance. Tell me, "Go to your room." I explained to her five minutes that she would not go there, only I would go alone. And when I wanted to ask for help from the police, she finally heard me. With these (younger) sisters, our friendship lasted for the rest of the time: seeing us, they ran up, started to hug each other, stood priluv and kissed each other. They sort of divided us up: one kisses Katya, the other with me. But when Katya left, I had to take rap. I think in those embraces there was a half-feeling of tenderness and friendship and a hope of softening and letting go of food or money. I always told them that I could only give love and that I really savored when they appeared, and it does not matter if they are stung and dirty ... Various incidents with the beggars still occurred ... Leaving the restaurant, she met one of the begging sisters. I had a piece of bread with cheese from the restaurant, which I gave him. Immediately, there were two mothers with babies, one of them seems to be the mother of "our" sister. Come on, he says I'm 100 (!) Rupees. I gave candies to the children and at that moment, someone successfully distracted them, and I was able to retire quietly. Then later, my sister found me, sad, letting me moan: my mother said a little child ... I understood that her mother scolded her, that she had taken nothing and that she did not have any bread either. One day, when Katya was already gone, I had dinner in a Tibetan restaurant and, sitting on the balcony, I heard the girl shout "Ma! My! My! The name was clearly an Indian girl, because they were screaming just like that. I was always surprised to see an Indian scream like that (everything would be clear with a stranger). I sit on it. On the next ripping cry with a sixth sense, I understand that most likely he is addressing me. I lower my eyes: in the street, there is "my" beggar and waved to me! On the last day, I packed her a bag in which I put all the food and junk left, including Dasha's, and I think she was just happy with her friends. And once, I managed to feel the beauty of the beggar's game in the form of an 11-year-old: he rubbed a Chinese or a Japanese woman and moaned with a sad look. Everything is stretched like a string, a stone (I'm pretty much the same as when I'm near). And he plays the role brilliantly! I went to meet them, I met his eyes and he read in my eyes that I saw his game and that I joked with him. He immediately showed me his tongue and smiled with his eyes. Here, they are great actors!
Motorcycle trip to Sri Lanka
Traveling in India on a motorcycle

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